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AARP AARP States Virgin Islands Community

Dance Performance Supports St. Croix Pride


AARP is proud to support all 50-plus individuals, including those who are lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender or queer (LGBTQ).

AARP Virgin Islands is collaborating with St. Croix Pride Inc. to promote the dance performance Facing Home, which honors the journeys of Caribbean residents.

Part of a series of pride events, the performances are the weekend of June 15–16, at the Island Center on St. Croix. Advance tickets are $20 for adults, $18 for those 65 and older, and $10 for students and children under 18. Tickets are $25 at the door.

Proceeds will benefit St. Croix Pride and will be used to fund scholarships. AARP VI will have volunteer ushers at the event. Learn more at and

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