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In the Thursday May 26, 2016, Board of Trustees meeting of the Government Employees’ Retirement System (GERS), the vice-chairman of the board Judge Edgar Ross after a lengthy discussion on the provisions in Title 3, Chapter 27 Sections 718 and 718(a), and Chapter 28A, Sections 767 and 767a of the Virgin Islands Code, made a motion consistent with the law in Sections 718 and 767 (regular retirees) and 718a and 767a (early retirement program). The motion, effective immediately, directed the Administrator not to pay new benefits unless the total costs of benefits are paid by the plan sponsor (Government of the Virgin Islands) in accordance with the law. The motion failed on a tied vote. Notwithstanding, the Administrator was directed to enforce the law.
When I was younger I thought of the telephone as a piece of equipment solely used to talk with others. Gone are those days!
En Español Governor Kenneth E. Mapp met with the St. Croix Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, February 11 th to update business owners and interested individuals on his vision for St. Croix and to highlight some proposed projects or Christiansted and Frederiksted. The following topics were discussed:
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