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RICHMOND _ Nearly 400,000 Virginians, including 62,000 hardworking people age 50-64, will have health coverage beginning in 2014 thanks to an historic vote today by the Virginia Senate.
“Much kudos for those who took a stand for the Virginians who work hard to support their families but can’t afford health coverage,” said AARP Virginia State Director Bill Kallio.
Today’s historic Senate vote was in favor of a budget amendment that will increase the Medicaid income guidelines to 138 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $26,000 a year for a family of three. Currently a family of three has to earn less than $6,000 for the adults to qualify for Medicaid, the state health care program for low-income people. Adults without dependent children currently are not eligible for coverage, but the expansion means they will qualify beginning January 1, 2014.
The House and Senate versions of the state budget are different, which means a conference committee made up of both House and Senate members will work out the differences.
“AARP Virginia is pleased with the bipartisan support by state Senators who recognize the value of providing health care to our state’s poorest workers,” Kallio said.
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