AARP Eye Center

AARP Virginia is fighting for you in Washington, but we could use your help. If you have an interest in federal legislative issues -- such as protecting Medicare or Social Security -- consider signing up as an AARP Virginia Congressional District Volunteer.
Because AARP is a non-profit, non-partisan organization, we don't endorse candidates, make political donations or support political parties. We fight for issues that matter to Virginians age 50+ and their families.
AARP Virginia is currently recruiting volunteers for the position of Congressional District Liaison. Help is especially needed in the Charlottesville, Suffolk, and Petersburg areas.
Responsibilities include:
• Serve as AARP’s volunteer representative to your member of Congress.
• Maintain regular communication with the member of Congress in person, by phone, and via email.
• Manage a team of volunteers, routinely communicating information by phone and email.
• Report feedback from your member of Congress to AARP Virginia staff.
• Alert the state office to events and political issues in your area.
• Assist in the implementation of projects that inform the public of AARP’s federal legislative priorities and mobilize member response.
• Develop and implement lobbying tactics needed to pass or defeat legislation.
• Support other volunteers with designated AARP activities that are implemented in the Congressional District.
• Assist with candidate forums, voter guides and election activities in partnership with AARP staff.
If you are interested in being part of AARP Virginia's federal advocacy team, please email our Volunteer Coordintor Stephanie Gossett at