AARP Eye Center

Just Saying Thank You Isn’t Enough
Chances are, if you aren’t a family caregiver yourself, you know someone who is. Every day, more than 1 million Virginians help their parents, spouses, siblings, grandparents, neighbors, and other loved ones to live independently at home – where they want to be.
November is National Family Caregivers Month, a time to highlight the important work these folks do. But simply thanking them isn’t enough. Here in Virginia and across the country, AARP is fighting to support family caregivers and the loved ones they care for.
Danny knows first-hand the challenges of being a family caregiver. He takes care of his wife in their home and shared their story with us.
“I am the caregiver for my wife who is a paraplegic. I had to take a leave of absence from work and when I couldn't tell them when I would return, I was terminated. We can't afford someone to provide care.”
In Virginia, more than 1 million family caregivers like Danny provide 870 million hours of unpaid care per year, valued at $11.2 billion annually. They help their loved ones with medications and medical care, meals, bathing and dressing, chores and much more. It’s a role that can be stressful, exhausting, and overwhelming.
That’s why AARP Virginia is fighting for common sense solutions to help make caregiving responsibilities a little bit easier.
Resources for Family Caregivers
AARP also offers free resources to help make caring for a loved one more manageable.
- AARP is here to help with information and resources on caregiver life balance, financial and legal issues, care at home, health and more. Visit to learn more.
- AARP’s Family Caregiving Resource Guides are FREE state specific guides that help family caregivers access key programs, services, and agencies in their community. View the Virginia guide here or call 1-877-333-5885 to have a copy mailed to you.
- AARP can help you learn more about whether care at home the right option for you is and your loved one. Visit to learn more.
Family caregivers are the backbone of our care system. This National Family Caregivers Month, let’s give them the support they’ve earned.