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AARP AARP States Virginia

Just Breathe…We’ve Got You! How to Get Started for Your Next Chapter in Life


Shepherd’s Center serving Oakton-Vienna-Reston-Herndon (SC) invites older adults, their adult children, and friends to attend an upcoming webinar series, Just Breathe...We’ve Got You! How to Get Started for Your Next Chapter in Life, or in the Life of Your Loved One.

The three-part virtual series kicks off on Tuesday, October 13 at 9:45 a.m. on Zoom, and will feature a variety of speakers and topics. Among the presentations:

  • Financial Fitness for Life, featuring Anne Marie Ferdinando, Regional Outreach Manager, Navy Federal Credit Union. She will discuss the importance of understanding/preventing fraud & abusive targeting of older adults, budgeting, boosting your earning capacity on the money you save, while also managing risk, and navigating on-line banking and using it safely plus starting a rainy day fund for unexpected expenses.
  • Breath and Meditation – Relaxation techniques with Katie Courlander, Katie Courlander Yoga.
  • COVID-19 Challenges for Senior Living Facilities will explore how Kensington Reston Senior Living is addressing those challenges, featuring Angela Bailey, Executive Director, Kensington Reston Senior Living.

Following each presentation, there will be time for questions & answers. To attend the virtual event, register by calling the SC hotline at 703-281-0601*. Once signed up, you will be emailed instructions to log in to the webinar.

The remaining two sessions in the Just Breathe...We’ve Got You! series will take place from 9:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10 and Tuesday, December 8. To register, call the SC hotline at:
703-281-0601*. *This is not an AARP event. Any information you provide to the host organization shall be governed by its privacy policy.

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