AARP Eye Center

Creating Moments of Joy
Friday, November 10th
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Korean Central Presbyterian Church
15451 Lee Highway, Centerville, VA 20121
Please join us for our 31st Annual Caregivers Conference! Creating Moments of Joy. If you've attended the conference in the past, you know what an educational and inspirational day you'll have. And if you've never been to the Northern Virginia Dementia Caregiver's Conference, please come join us - we know you'll be glad you came. The conference features an array of presentations for family caregivers and for professionals.
Register online:
This year's speakers include:
Jolene Brackey, Founder, Enhanced Moments, who specializes in creating positive outcomes and moments of joy for the individuals with the disease, their loved ones, and professional caregivers. Her messages of hope, encourangement - along with generous helpings of humor - is warmly embraced by the family members and professional caregivers alike!
Melanie Chadwick, RN, MD, NP is certified as an Adult and Gerontological Nurse Practitioner with Georgetown University Medical Center's Memory Disorder Program. Melanie specializes in evaluating and treating patients with memory problems, and functions as a clinican in the research program.
Ron Culberson, MSW, CSP, CPAE, spent the first part of his career working in a large hospice organization as a clinical social worker, middle manager, and senior leader. As a speaker, humorist, and author of Do it Well. Make it Fun. The Key to Success in Life, Death, and Almost Everything in Between, he has delivered more than 1,000 presentations to associations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and corporations.
Ann Morrison, PhD, RN is a well-recognized expert on Alzheimer's disease. As staff and later as faculty for the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, she conducted clinical drug trials, risk factor identification trials, behavioral management trials, and caregivering research trials.
Paula Kyle is a professional dance instructor in The Dance for Parkinson's Disease Program. Her 17 years of dance training and performance experience earlier in life was the key factor in being accepcted. After completing the online course and the training at The Mark Morris Studio in Brooklyn, she is now qualified to teach Dance for Parkinson's.
Conference Schedule
8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 Welcome
9:00 Creating Moments of Joy, Jolene Brackey
10:15 Guilt, Anger, and Stress: Working Through Difficult Feelings as a Caregiver, Ann Morrison, PhD, RN
11:15 Break and Visit Exhibitors
11:30 Research Updates and Trials, Melanie Chadwick, RN, MS, NP
12:15 Lunch and Visit Exhibitors
1:00 Dance for Parkinson's, Paula Kyle
1:30 Creating Moments in Bathing and Dining, Jolene Brackey
2:30 Break and Snack
2:45 If Not Now, When?, Ron Culberson, MSW, CSP, CPAE
3:30 Adjourn
Do you need someone to care for your loved one so you can attend the conference?
Limited free in-home respite care for persons with Dementia, living in Northern Virginia only, will be provided by GraceFul Care. For more information about respite, call (703)904-3994 no later than October 20th.
Register online:
Northern Virginia Dementia Care Consortium Members:
AARP Virginia
Alexandria Department of Community and Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services
Arlington Aging and Disability Services
Alzheimer’s Association, National Capital Area
Insight Memory Care Center
ElderLink, Options for Caregiving
Fairfax Area Agency on Aging
Fairfax County Health Department
Goodwin House Incorporated
GraceFul Care, Inc.
Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging