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With the start of the new year, millions of Americans will have access to health coverage for the first time or have improved coverage because of the health care law. There are steps you can take now to ensure you have access to coverage beginning January 1.
Brenda Kelly-Nelum, a loyal AARP volunteer, is a champion for senior citizens. She has been a longtime activist for standing up and protecting seniors from abuse and wrongdoings. A Washington D.C native, Brenda attended public school before they were integrated. In 1954, her 7 th grade year, she went from a small six room elementary school to the quite large Eastern High School. The transformation she said is unforgettable. Brenda continued her education and received a BA from Howard University.
Carol Downs is one of our volunteers who simply cannot get enough out of life. She has a penchant for curiosity and considers herself to be a lifetime student. While she enjoys larger group activities, she is just as satisfied having a heart to heart with a close friend or simply enjoying her own company. Carol is exceptionally hard working but makes most tasks seem effortless with her cheerful and resourceful attitude. In group settings, she excels at being diplomatic and compassionate, but her best trait is her propensity to say yes in just about any situation—something AARP greatly values in her as a volunteer.
AARP Virginia State Office 901 East Byrd Street, Suite 1005 Richmond, VA 23219 Toll-free: 1-866-542-8164 Fax: 804-819-1923 Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
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