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AARP AARP States Virginia Community

Thrive, Women’s Health & Fitness Expo

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ARP display table at the THRIVE Women’s Health & Fitness Expo in Richmond, VA

“Leap Day, 2020” was a great day for Richmond women (and a few brave men!) to “leap” into some new health and fitness lifestyles at the TRIVE, Women’s Health & Fitness Expo presented by local CBS affiliate WTVR, Channel 6. Featuring over 100 exhibitors, the six-hour event was held at the Richmond Raceway Complex for the 18th year.

And, AARP Virginia was there to share some “fitness” tips for the many people who stopped by their information table. Jackie Storrs and Karen Davis met dozens of folks who were concerned with the many age-related issues affecting both themselves and their loved ones in that “50-Plus” age bracket. The AARP volunteers answered questions and shared the many free materials that AARP offers to improve the “fitness” of:

· Their HomesAARP has a detailed HomeFit Guide that outlines the many changes that become necessary as mobility decreases with age. Doorways need to be wider. Lights need to be brighter. Wheelchair ramps might become necessary. And, handrails are really handy. Then there are door levers and rocker-style light switches and touch faucets (Oh my!) - that make life so much easier!

· Their FamiliesThere is a famous quote attributed to former First Lady, Rosalynn Carter:"There are only four kinds of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.The AARP Caregiving page contains a wealth of information for those “four kinds of people”. From their Prepare to Care Guide to the Caregiving Tips and Timesavers to a Toll-Free Caregiving Resource Line - AARP is there with information, assistance and support to help caregivers keep loved ones, healthier and happier.

· Their FinancesAARP’s Fraud Watch Network is filled with ideas and advice on how to keep hard-earned investments and financial accounts healthy and safe from the many would-be con artists constantly looking to get rich quick – with your money.

· Their IdentityAARP’s Fraud Watch Network also contains advice on safeguarding Social Security Numbers, Medicare Accounts, and personal information relentlessly sought by scammers.

AARP volunteers are available to attend health fairs and events, bringing materials and a wealth of knowledge to share with groups, clubs, and organizations to keep Virginians age 50-plus and their family members healthy and “fit” for many years to come. Contact AARP Virginia to request an AARP information table for your next event.

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