AARP Eye Center

Don’t Delay the Medicaid Extension!
Uninsured Virginians and Virginia’s Economy Can’t Wait!
On February 3 the House Appropriations Committee adopted budget language (Item 307 #11 h) requiring a long list and “3 phases“ of Medicaid reforms as a condition of Medicaid expansion. The language requires the expansion to be approved by the General Assembly after “completion” of the reforms, and prohibits expansion before July 1, 2014.
The Senate Finance Committee Budget (Item 307 #38s) also requires certain Medicaid reforms. It also calls for action by the 2014 General Assembly before the expansion could be implemented. This delays implementation until at least July 2014.
The conditions and delays built into the committee budgets unnecessarily postpone the Medicaid expansion for an unknown length of time. Both require at least a 6 month delay – and it could be longer – or never.
The HAV Coalition opposes delayed implementation of the expansion. The extension should begin on January 1, 2014. We do not oppose efforts to reform the Medicaid program to implement improvements and efficiencies. But those changes should be implemented along with the expansion.
The House and Senate should amend their budgets to modify the contingency language which delays implementation of the expansion.
Each day of delay means Virginia loses about $5 million of federal funding. This funding is OUR federal tax dollars which would support health insurance, create 30,000 jobs, and boost Virginia’s economy.
400,000 uninsured Virginians are waiting for coverage and the health care they need!
What happens if Virginia delays the Medicaid extension?
* 400,000 low income Virginians will remain uninsured. Most will be unable to get private coverage through the Exchange, leaving a huge gap in coverage.
* Hospitals that serve the uninsured will lose more money.
* Private health insurance premiums could rise even higher because of ongoing uncompensated care and fewer people in insurance risk pools.
* Virginia loses the economic benefit of over $2 billion in federal spending each year and continues to pay for health programs/services for indigent care, CSB services, etc. with state/local money.
* Virginians’ federal tax dollars will help people in other states.
AARP Virginia
American Cancer Society – Cancer Action Network
American Heart Association
Bon Secours Virginia
Brain Injury Association of Virginia
Central Virginia Health Services
CHIP of Virginia
Fan Free Clinic
Free Clinic of the New River Valley
Gloucester-Mathews Free Clinic
Greater Prince William Community Health Center
Greene Care Clinic (a free clinic in Greene Cty)
Hemophilia Association of the Capital Area
Inova Health System
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington
League of Women Voters, Richmond Metro Area (LMV-RMA)
League of Women Voters of Virginia
Legal Aid Justice Center
Legislative Coalition of Virginia Nurses
National Alliance on Mental Illness of Virginia
National Association of Social Workers – Virginia Chapter
National MS Society – Virginia Chapters
Nonprofit Virginia
Otsuka America Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Parents as Teachers State Office
Partnership for People with Disabilities at VCU
Piedmont Access to Health Services, Inc. (PATHS)
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia
Prevent Child Abuse Hampton Roads
Prevent Child Abuse Virginia
Rappahannock Legal Services, Inc.
Rx Partnership
SEIU – Virginia 512
Social Action Linking Together (SALT)
The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis
Virginia Adult Day Health Services Ass’n
Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses (VACPN)
Virginia Association of Community Services Boards (VACSB)
Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging (V4A)
Virginia Association of Free Clinics
Virginia Chapter of Doctors for America
Virginia College of Emergency Physicians
Virginia Community Healthcare Association
Virginia Consumer Voices for Healthcare
Virginia Dental Association
Virginia First Cities
Virginia Health Care Foundation
Virginia Hemophilia Foundation
Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy
Virginia March of Dimes
Virginia Network of Private Providers
Virginia New Majority
Virginia Oral Health Coalition
Virginia Organizations Responding to AIDS (VORA)
Virginia Organizing
Virginia Rural Health Association
Virginia Rural Health Resource Center
Virginia Poverty Law Center
Voices for Virginia’s Children
Jill Hanken, Attorney, Virginia Poverty Law Center, 804-782-9430 x 13,