AARP Eye Center

AARP Arizona’s Community Educators Program is recruiting volunteers who would like to present on a variety of topics to the general public and at special events.
“Our AARP Arizona Community Educators Program volunteers are very passionate about presenting information on fraud prevention, retirement security, Medicare and Social Security to people in communities across our state,” said David Parra, Associate State Director for AARP Arizona. “But more volunteer presenters are needed for our program.” Parra adds that AARP Arizona staff providing training and mentoring to help new volunteers get started.
The AARP Arizona Community Educators Program provides presentations to libraries, senior centers, community centers and conferences throughout the state. Volunteers with the program are also often asked to present at special events.
To find out more about volunteering to become a presenter with the AARP Arizona Community Educators Program, please email David Parra at or call (480) 414-7637.