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Stay up-to-date on federal and state legislative activities. Learn how AARP is fighting for you in Washington D.C. and right here at home.
Just over 735,000 Washingtonians have no internet service. That's why AARP Washington is working with the state on “shovel-ready” projects to boost access to high-speed internet, especially in rural areas of the state.
Facilities must be held accountable as numbers worsen despite millions in state and federal funding
Ballots have arrived, and this year it includes an important measure that we at AARP Washington strongly support. We encourage you to vote to approve ESJR 8212 to secure the Long-Term Care Trust Act for vulnerable Washingtonians.
AARP is proud to be the lead sponsor for a nonpartisan, publicly accessible debate for Lt. Governor on October 22, hosted by the Washington State Debate Coalition.
Proposed COVID-19 budget cuts would devastate seniors and people with disabilities
Eligibility for a property tax exemption is now determined by each county’s median income.
A great deal has changed since the 2020 legislative session began on January 13. Even though the last few weeks of the session were challenging as we juggled the coronavirus pandemic and monitored supported bills, we ended the intense 60-day session with several significant wins that tackle the rising cost of lifesaving medication, expand the financial fraud and identity theft investigation and prosecution program, and remove specific barriers to increase our housing stock via accessory dwelling units.
Hey Big Drug Companies – Time to End Price Gouging!
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