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We've Got a Speaker for Your Next Group Meeting


Do you need a speaker for your group? The AARP Volunteer Speakers Bureau is trained to present on a range of topics of interest to mid-life and older adults.  To schedule a volunteer speaker, please fill out our online request form. If you have trouble accessing the form or need to combine or customize presentations, contact Jackie Boland at (808) 545-6003.  Electronic PDF copies of our presentations are available to preview on request.

Choose from any of the following 2014 Speakers Bureau presentations:


10 Steps to Get Ready for Retirement – A snapshot of the 10 key considerations when planning for a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Medicare 101 – Basic information about Medicare A, B, C, and D.  What they are, when to enroll, what Medicare pays and what you pay.

Social Security Top Questions of 2014 – Information on how the program works and how to maximize your Social Security benefits.

Life Reimagined Checkup:  Life is full of checkups so what about a checkup for your life?  A workshop to help you get inspired about your possibilities, gain insight into where you are in life and where you want to go, and discover new tools to help you plan your next move.


Find Your Way Around the New Health Care Law – learn how the new national health care law affects those with insurance, those without insurance, and those on Medicare.

Caregiving/Aging in Place:

Homefit – Learn about home modifications that can help you or a loved one age at home for as long as possible.

Home and Community Based Services for Keeping Your Loved One at Home - Understand the services available in the community to help you or a loved one age at home and their basic costs. Get information about the public programs, their limitations, and how to qualify.

The Challenges of Caregiving and Long-term Care – learn about the impact of Hawaii’s quickly growing older adult population, the average costs of long-term care, the impact of family caregiving, and the resources available in the community.

The Future of Social Security and Medicare:

You’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare your entire life. Get current information about the solvency of the programs, potential solutions and current the current political scene. Learn how you can make an impact.


Learn more about AARP, who we are, what we do, and what we’re working on in 2014. Find out how you can get involved.


About AARP States
AARP is active in all 50 states and Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Connect with AARP in your state.