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To honor his integral work supporting Wyoming’s family caregivers, AARP names Wyoming Governor Matt Mead as 2018 “Capitol Caregiver,” a bipartisan group of 65 elected officials from 24 states. These leaders have advanced policies that support Wyoming’s family caregivers, who help their parents, spouses and other loved ones live independently at home and in the community—where they want to be.
A report released by AARP shows Wyoming’s state budget could benefit from continued and increased investment in Home and Community Based Services in an effort to keep its citizens aging in their homes, and out of nursing facilities, which are often paid for by the state.
Don’t miss our local, online event for family caregivers.
AARP offers a free online care fair for caregivers in the Rocky Mountain Region on Thursday, November 15 from 3-6 p.m.
A pair of one-day care conferences for those age 50 and over will take place in Sweetwater County on Oct. 2 and 3 in Rock Springs and Green River respectively.
Get Helpful Guidance at Our Online Q&A Webinar
CHEYENNE - The Wyoming Center on Aging (WYCOA) and Wyoming’s chapter of The Alzheimer’s Association offer a webinar series for caregivers, friends, and family of dementia patients. The webinars may be seen online, or at a viewing site around the state, including the AARP State Office in Cheyenne.
Our Special Online Sessions Can Help You Balance Them
Our online Q&A sessions can help you keep your loved one secure.
Editor's note: This is the first of what will be several videos AARP Wyoming will post this year displaying programming for those ages 50+ which can be replicated by other communities in Wyoming.
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