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Scams & Fraud

The event is free to all, regardless of age or AARP affiliation, but it is asked that you register for the event by going to or calling 1-877-926-8300.
Stay one step ahead of identity thieves by shredding personal and financial documents. Bring up to four large boxes of paper for shredding.
Stay one step ahead of identity thieves by shredding personal and financial documents. Bring up to four large boxes of paper for shredding.
CHEYENNE — AARP Wyoming will host a free paper shredding event from 9 a.m. to noon at the parking lot of Riverton’s City Hall on April 20. City Hall is located at 816 North Federal Boulevard in Riverton.
Stay one step ahead of identity thieves by shredding personal and financial documents. Bring up to four large boxes of paper for shredding. You may also offer optional monetary or food donations to feed hungry veterans in Wyoming.
Based on a Virginia Tech study, it is estimated that BankSafe-trained employees have helped prevent nearly $300 million from being stolen from the accounts of older adults since 2019. These BankSafe-trained employees play a crucial role in protecting over 230 million customers across the U.S.
AARP Wyoming will rent out ten lanes and offer prizes while running trivia games and handing out tickets for prize drawings. The more you bowl at the event, the better your chances to win prizes. AARP Wyoming will also provide snacks and water while you bowl.
Castleberry is the franchise owner for the UPS Store in Gillette. Earlier this year a woman came into Castleberry’s UPS store and asked to ship what she said was a book. The woman then asked for $5,000 in insurance to ship what she said was a book.
Stay one step ahead of identity thieves by shredding personal and financial documents. Bring up to two large boxes of paper for shredding. Shred fests are drive-through contactless shredding events.
The May 22 call will be with online romance scam survivor, Kate Kleinert, who will tell her story about getting victimized by an online scammer. You’ll have a chance to ask questions and share your stories.
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