A lot has changed since August, 2016 - including Bret’s retirement - see the article on page 5. As we are recruiting for a Bret replacement (it’s likely that we will have hired a replacement before you read this) I am struck by how amazing the AARP Wyoming staff and volunteers are.
As The AARP Wyoming State President, I will continue to work with caregivers as part of my platform during my tenure. I live in Sheridan, Wyoming where my husband Clarence and I lead the AARP Community Action Team.
Tanya Johnson will join AARP Wyoming as the organization’s Associate State Director for Outreach and Local Advocacy on Sept. 24. Johnson comes to the AARP Wyoming state office from the City of Casper where she worked for the City Manager and City Council as well as the Municipal Court.
CHEYENNE - AARP Wyoming and its Casper Community Action group will hold a number of events in the Oil City over the next year, celebrating the work of those ages 50 and over. At 7 p.m. on June 21 at the Casper Senior Center, Casper’s AARP Community Action Group will hold a meeting to deploy its volunteers throughout the summer. Anyone interested in learning more about upcoming projects and events is invited to attend the event.
After strong attendance at its Dec. 2017 Movies For Grown Ups events in Casper and Cheyenne, AARP Wyoming will host another free movie for members in Casper on Jan. 9 at Studio City in Casper. The Movies for Grown Ups series screens free movies for AARP members and even buys a popcorn and soda for those attending.