AARP Eye Center
If there is an AARP-sponsored event or effort in Park County, there is a strong chance Cody resident Jackie Martin is behind the effort. Tuesday night in Casper, Martin was recognized for her work with AARP Wyoming as the organization presented her with a Lifetime Achievement Award during its Volunteer Recognition Awards Dinner.
The first time Jackie Martin contacted AARP Wyoming, it was to request educational materials to share at the campground in Cody that she was managing with her husband, Steve. That phone call led to a relationship which has seen her serve five years on the AARP Executive Council, as well her work as the state’s AARP safe driver trainer, the AARP safe driver program coordinator, a community contact for AARP members in Cody, a guide for the Life Reimagined program, and now the 2017 AARP Lifetime Achievement Award winner. She continues to work in Cody to advance the reputation of AARP by holding monthly Sundae Monday events with updates on AARP, an ice cream sundae and a local speaker.
Martin lives in Cody with her husband Steve, where they moved six year ago. Prior to her move, Martin was the Public Information Officer and Communications Director for the Indianapolis Police Department.