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AARP AARP States Wyoming

Disaster Preparedness Workshop Slated for Sheridan

Disaster prep workshop

Join AARP’s Sheridan Community Action Team at 8:30 a.m. on April 15 at the Sheridan Church of Latter Day Saints to learn about and assemble your own disaster preparedness kits. 

The event is  free but registration is recommended. 

Fire season, floods,  tornadoes, and other emergencies mean that people who live in areas prone to these events should have a plan in place. But if you’re 50 or older, there are some extra things to pay particular attention to. Attend this FREE workshop so that you can PREPARE.

Thank you to the Sheridan Wyoming LDS church for providing the space. This event is open to the public.

Registration and check-in takes place at 8:30 with the event’s opening session starting at 9 p.m. The event’s format allows participants to select their classes, and offers information on long-term food storage in your home, starting small to build a food supply, to beginning your home’s emergency action plan and how to prepare for emergencies during a hike or on Wyoming’s roadways. 

For more information, contact AARP Wyoming Associate State Director for Outreach, Jennifer Baier at:

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