AARP Eye Center

Over the next four months, AARP Wyoming will hold a series of financial events to highlight resources and tools to help you manage your finances, tackle your debt, plan your retirement, and protect your hard-earned assets.
The second event in the series is scheduled for October 26 at 5:30 p.m. and will focus on how to find an investment advisor when you are age 50 and over. Helping guide the conversation will be Frank Boley, an investment professional from Sheridan. Boley is the Senior Vice President, Financial Advisor, and Assistant Branch Manager of Swanson and Boley Wealth Management.
“Financial advice is a product, like many others we consume, and not all products are the same,” says Boley. “For those that find themselves looking for financial advice, we encourage them to approach it like they are hiring an employee and conduct it like an interview. This proactive process should help you understand the differences in the various approaches to financial advice and find someone that is a good fit for you.”
In addition, AARP Wyoming will tell webinar participants about its “AARP Interview an Advisor™” online resource that provides guidance and a checklist for investors on how to assess the services and standards of financial advisors. It also provides investors with advice on how to effectively communicate with a prospective advisor, assess their credentials, and better understand how advisors are compensated.
The webinar series is free, but it is asked that you register for the event here. Once you register, a zoom link will be sent to your email inbox. If you are unavailable at 5:30 on Oct. 26, register anyway and we’ll send you the recording. The webinar will also be available on-demand any time after the event at AARP Wyoming’s Facebook page.
The webinar is open to the public and there is no need to be over age 50, or an AARP Wyoming member to take part. For more information on the Money Milestones event, contact Tom Lacock at or 307-432-5802.