AARP Eye Center

Kaitlyn Johnson, RD, knows how to eat right and at 3 p.m. on June 2 she will share that knowledge with the state’s age 50+ during the latest in the Wellness Wednesday’s webinar series.
The event is free and open to all citizens of Wyoming regardless of age or affiliation with AARP Wyoming. To view the event, go to AARP Wyoming’s Facebook page at:
Johnson is a Registered Dietitian, currently employed by the Wyoming Department of Health, Aging Division. She manages the Congregate and Home Delivered meals (Meals on Wheels) programs for the state, working with local senior centers to ensure older adults are being fed nutritious meals.
On June 2, Johnson will show viewers some of the featured menus and recipes from the Cent$bile Nutrition Program, as well as discuss what Senior Nutrition Programs are available in Wyoming.
Johnson is a Wyoming native, having grown up on a ranch in Newcastle where she raised 4H and FFA animals. Johnson has a passion for food, agriculture, and helping enrich people's lives through nutrition.
Wellness Wednesdays Webinars are made possible through a collaboration with AARP Wyoming, The Wyoming Department of Health Injury and Violence Prevention Program, Wyoming Council on Aging, Wyoming Department of Health Aging Division, and Mountain Pacific Quality Health. The webinars are a monthly series devoted to maintaining a healthy lifestyle during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinars are free to the public and there is no requirement to be an AARP member to take part.
For more information, contact Tanya Johnson at or Tom Lacock at