AARP Eye Center
If you are in Cheyenne, it is highly likely your electric rates are going up in 2023.
The good news is you have a chance to make your feelings on the rate increase known. The State’s Public Service Commission will hold a public comment hearing on Tuesday, December 6 from 3-7 p.m. at the Commission’s hearing room at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300 in Cheyenne.
If you cannot make the meeting in-person, you can listen in and offer your comments via Zoom during the meeting by clicking here. If you would rather attend the meeting over the phone, dial 1-669-444-9171 and use the Meeting ID: 870 8297 5149 when prompted.
If you prefer to write a letter to the PSC, you can email it to: Please mention the docket number of this case - 20003-214-ER-22.
Last June, Cheyenne Light, Fuel, and Power asked the Wyoming Public Service Commission for permission to request $15.4 million in new revenue from the city’s rate payers. Media reports suggest this could result in a rate increase of up to 15% for residential rate payers.
This summer, AARP Wyoming requested the chance for our members and all Cheyenne residents to comment on the proposed rate increase. This week the Public Service Commission, which gets to approve or deny rate increases, announced it wants to hear from you, the rate payer.
This is your chance to make your voice heard. Take advantage of that opportunity before the Public Service Commission makes its final decision.