The idea behind AARP’s Veterans, Military, and Family (VMF) initiative is a simple one - find a way to connect the nation’s veterans, and the better than 5 million AARP members who have served in our nation’s armed forces with what they deserve.
Located in Dubois, Wyoming, The National Museum of Military Vehicles is home to over 450 fully restored military vehicles. Through the expansive 146,000 square foot facility, visitors experience the American side of World War II through the unique storytelling of the fully restored military vehicles. The museum in its entirety will open Memorial Day weekend with the addition of two other exhibits showcasing, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
To honor our Veterans, the AARP Sheridan Community Action Team (CAT), in partnership with the Casper Community Action Team, VFW Auxiliary, and the Sheridan Foster Grandparents Program, delivered over 260 thank you cards to Veterans in Sheridan and Johnson Counties in November.
AARP Wyoming will honor veterans and provide free tickets to the state’s veterans as a part of the University of Wyoming’s Military Day festivities on Saturday, September 28 in Laramie.