AARP Eye Center

Sheridan-area residents donated nearly 750 pounds of food to two Sheridan County food banks during the sixth annual Souper Bowl, a food drive led by AARP Wyoming’s Sheridan Community Action Team.
“I think the support of the Sheridan community was great,” says Clarence Montano, one of the directors of the event for the Sheridan Community Action Team. “The feedback from the food bank and Salvation Army was a lot of gratitude and appreciation. We just had a great team this year of volunteers and drop-off locations.”
The Souper Bowl is a one week blitz that encourages area residents to donate food into bins which represent either the Los Angeles Rams or New England Patriots, based on which team residents believe will win. The food is then donated to the Salvation Army and the People’s Assistance Food Bank in Sheridan.
AARP Wyoming’s Sheridan Community Action Team collected 750 pounds with donations in the bins decorated in the Blue and Gold of the Los Angeles Rams out-numbering those donated in New England Patriot-colored bins, by a 3-to-1 margin. The bins are decorated by the Sheridan Retired Educators Association, and are placed in five locations around Sheridan.
Last year the Souper Bowl netted Sheridan food banks around 700 pounds of food, or 200 pounds more than in 2017.