AARP Eye Center

AARP Wyoming’s steadfast adherence to nonpartisanship reinforces trust among our members and strengthens our ability to serve as an effective advocate.
I often say our strength and influence as an organization comes not from endorsements or monetary contributions, but from the over 75,000 AARP Wyoming members- many of whom turn out to vote at every election. This allows us to stay focused on what matters most: advocating for the well-being and interests of older Wyomingites without any influence from political bias.
I deeply appreciate AARP’s commitment to maintaining a nonpartisan stance. In a political climate that often feels hyper- partisan, our dedication to serving older Wyomingites transcends political affiliations, and we are resolute in upholding our mission to advocate for the well-being of those aged 50 and older without aligning with any political party or candidate.
As a nonprofit organization, AARP has never endorsed candidates nor contributed to political campaigns, parties, or candidates—and we never will. This un-wavering stance reflects our core values and respects the diversity of thought and political preference within our member-ship. Our members come from all walks
of life and represent a broad spectrum of political beliefs, but they are united by shared interests in the critical issues that affect them and their families.
In Wyoming, we engage with legislators, policymakers, and officials from all political parties and factions to address the issues that matter most to our members.
Whether we are working on utilities costs, property tax, or affordable home services, our advocacy efforts focus solely on the issues at hand, never on political figures or parties. This approach allows us to collaborate with any leader or policymaker who supports our mission and initiatives, regardless of their political background.
To underscore our nonpartisan commitment, we maintain strict protocols in our advocacy and voter education efforts. We take steps to avoid even the slightest perception of political favoritism. This
means our legislative advocacy work and educational campaigns are always centered on issues, not political affiliations or individuals. In the run-up to elections, we also refrain from participating in public
appearances or making public statements involving candidates unless all candidates are invited to participate. Tom Lacock, our Advocacy and Communications Director shot over 60 video voter guides this year where all sides were equally represented.
Our nonpartisan stance extends to how we conduct events and participate in public forums. AARP events are always issue-focused and carefully crafted to avoid political rhetoric. When we invite public officials
or candidates to speak at our events, we do so with the expectation that they engage in a respectful and constructive manner, adhering to our commitment to civility.
I recently completed my seventh year as the State Director at AARP Wyoming.I feel so fortunate to be able to serve the people of Wyoming in this role. I get to work with incredible staff and volunteers on important, interesting, and challenging issues. Whether in our communities or the halls of the legislature, I feel like we have impact every day. It is truly a blessing.