AARP Eye Center

AARP Wyoming and veterans organizations around the state will host a free Military Veterans Resource Fair and Lunch at American Legion Post 14 in Laramie on April 29. The resource fair will take place from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The American Legion Post 14 in Laramie can be found at 417 East Ivinson Avenue.
Click here to register for the event.
If you or a loved one is a veteran, we hope this will be your one-stop-shop to learn about veteran resources in Wyoming. From property tax benefits to caregiver resources to health benefits, fraud prevention, and job training, come find out about the benefits you as a veteran can qualify for in the Cowboy state. All veterans, veteran caregivers, and their family members are welcome to stop by the event and pick up information and a box lunch.
Vietnam Veteran Jim Ohrumund’s who serves on the AARP Veterans Advisory Council has been integral in bringing this event to his hometown of Laramie and hopes it will help veterans in the area. Jim has secured the VA, Veterans Service Dogs, Albany County Assessor, UW Wyoming, Workforce Development and AARP for the event so far.
AARP has more than 3 million veterans in its membership and has made issues facing veterans, military members, and their families a priority. To that end, the organization has produced a free military caregiving handbook available by clicking here. The guide offers helpful resources and caregiving checklists, facts about veteran and military caregivers, and five key issues to address in your caregiving journey.
AARP also offers the free Watchdog Alert Veterans Addition guide, which is available by clicking here. The guide outlines the fact 1-in-3 current or former military members have been targeted by disability or benefit scams and how veterans and military families can avoid being scammed.
For more resources for veterans, check out: