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AARP AARP States Wyoming Advocacy

Week Three At The State Capitol

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Casper State Senator Charles Scott (far left) makes the pitch to his collegues in the Senate for House Bill 62 Feb. 28 in Cheyenne.
Tom Lacock/AARP Wyoming

It was a tense week in both the House and Senate during week three of the 2020 Legislative Session. Contentious subjects such as gun and abortion bills were discussed. AARP was able to avoid those issues, but had a big week in its own right.

Three Big Things For This Week

  1. Our prescription drug price reduction bill made it through the house! Huge thank you to everyone who emailed and called your legislators. We may need your help again as it moves through the senate. It’s scheduled to go to committee at 8 a.m. on Monday. Remember, this bill looks at why drugs cost so much and will explore cost saving measures such as importation of prescription drugs from Canada.If you haven’t done it yet, click here to tell lawmakers how the high cost of prescription drugs have impacted you and your life.
  2. As state revenues are drying up, legislatures are looking for ways to help communities support their aging populations. House Bill 62 is an effort to empower communities to raise local revenue to support critical senior services like home healthcare, adult day care, respite services, and even facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities. In order to set up a special district, an area or community would have to hold a vote during a general election, giving the people the power to decide if a special district is right for them. We like that.
  3. State Employees have not received a Cost of Living (COLA) adjustment to their state pension since 2006. That means that with inflation, the value of state retiree benefits go down every year. Speaker Steve Harshman and Representative Bill Henderson have collaborated on House Bill 112, which would offer at least small relief to retired state workers.

Prescription Drug bills, and Senior Health Care Districts could be through the Senate by the end of next week. Feel free to join us in W110 of The State Capitol at 8 a.m. to tell Legislators your stories of prescription drug costs. The Special Senior Health Care Districts bill is in the Senate and your Senator would love to hear from you on that bill as well. Click here to find contact information on your legislator. The COLA conversation is still awaiting a committee assignment.

One bill we didn’t mention is Senate File 37, which would allow psychologists from out-of-state to offer telehealth visits into Wyoming. Currently, there is a battle going on around what dues would be paid to the state Board of Psychological Board and that is holding up the bill from introduction in the House of Representatives. AARP is fighting to get the bill heard on the House floor or in committee. With a little luck that will take care of itself by Monday morning.

Again, thanks for caring and taking action It is impossible to overstate the importance of your calls and letters.

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