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AARP AARP States Advocacy

Proposed Care Initiative to Expand Nurse Practitioner Roles

AARP South Carolina supports legislation to expand healthcare to seniors in our state. South Carolina is currently ranked 43rd in our nation for healthcare, and 33rd for supply of primary care physicians. Our state simply does not have the resources to support our growing population that needs increasing medical attention.  House Bill 3078 will expand the roles of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), giving seniors more access to the medical attention they need. As the number of seniors in our state continues to rise, South Carolina will need more primary physicians to ensure all seniors have the care they deserve, and APRNs can provide that care.

Two of the main issues faced by seniors in our state today are access to medication and access to healthcare providers. By expanding the roles of APRNs through House Bill 3078, Nurse Practitioners will be able to act to the full extent of their training by increasing their prescribing authority. This will make it easier for older South Carolinians to get medication because it eliminates the need to go only to a primary doctor.

Additionally, expanding the roles of APRNs removes mileage constraints some South Carolinians may have from accessing primary physicians. If primary physicians are not within walking or reasonable driving distance, seniors may not have the means to reach them. However, APRNs could be located much closer and provide the necessary care to this population.  

Nurses already serve as the largest portion of health care providers in the country. Their services are cost effective, quality treatment that help patients and reduce hospitalizations. AARP of South Carolina supports House Bill 3078 because we will believe the expansion of APRNs is beneficial to the health of our community and the budget of our state.  

All of the aspects of House Bill 3078 seek to increase the health of South Carolina’ s senior population. AARP South Carolina supports House Bill 3078 because it will prevent high healthcare costs in the future and save taxpayer money while creating a healthier environment for all.

Photo Credit: Vadimguzhva /


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