AARP Eye Center

Mike Festa, state director of AARP Massachusetts, which serves more than 800,000 residents age 50 and older in the Commonwealth, today commended the choice of Alice Bonner as secretary of elder affairs under the Baker administration.
"Secretary Bonner is an experienced professional who will be an effective, passionate advocate for 1.1 million seniors and their families in the Commonwealth," said Festa, a former state lawmaker who was secretary of elder affairs during former Gov. Deval Patrick's first term.
"We also commend Marylou Sudders, secretary of Health and Human Services, for her diligence in filling this crucial appointment," he said.
Bonner, Ph.D., RN, FAANP, FGSA, is an associate professor in the School of Nursing at the Bouve College of Health Sciences at Northeastern University, and a faculty associate in the Center for Health Policy at Northeastern University, according to the school's website.
Sandy Albright, AARP Massachusetts state president and former undersecretary of Elder Affairs from 2007-2013, said, “We know that rebalancing and strengthening long term care — which includes supporting family caregivers; long term services and supports; assisted living facilities; adult day health services; senior housing; and home and community based services — for today’s seniors and those who will need these services in the next decades, should be a priority for all of us. We look forward to working with Secretary Bonner to continue to support the older population, to help keep people healthy, independent, and living with dignity."