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AARP comments on Connecticut Draft Comprehensive Energy Strategy


AARP recently submitted comments on Connecticut's Draft 2012 Comprehensive Energy Strategy (CES).  As an advocate nationwide for the rights of people aged 50 and older, AARP fights on issues that matter to you and your family.  A substantial percentage of AARP’s members live on fixed or limited incomes and rising energy costs, along with rising health care costs, are taking a bigger and bigger bite out of their income.  A major priority for AARP is to protect consumers from utility expenses that may endanger their health and financial security.  Read our full comments here.

The draft CES discusses issues and strategies in five major sectors - Efficiency, Industry, Electricity, Natural Gas and Transportation and makes approximately 50 recommendations. Implementation of these recommendations will have significant implications for all Connecticut ratepayers, including AARP members, in terms of the cost of home energy, additional or increased fees and charges, and changes in the design of charges for electricity, natural gas and fuel oil.  Whether each of these recommendations will have a positive, or a negative, implication will depend on the substantive details of their implementation.

AARP comments are intended to provide constructive input to the finalization of the CES, however, the lack of details in the plan made that more difficult.  We look forward to the opportunity to provide more detailed comments on specific recommendations when they are presented for future consideration. 

Read AARP comments

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