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AARP DC Reaches Out to the District’s Caribbean Community

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L-R: The Reverend Canon Kortright Davis, Rector Emeritus of The Holy Comforter Episcopal Church, Louis Davis Jr., AARP DC State Director, Margaret Forde, Chair-MACCCA and Arthur Griffith, AARP DC Caribbean outreach volunteer.

How did you spend your Father’s Day? AARP DC’s commitment to Caribbean engagement and outreach, included participation in a Sunday service and social hour at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church in northwest Washington D.C.  For AARP DC, being involved on June 21 supported the Caribbean community as they celebrated Father’s Day and the church’s “Education Sunday.”

With so many Caribbean “nationals” in the District of Columbia, an opportunity is provided for AARP DC, to practice its social mission which is to serve all people age 50-plus.

Margaret Forde, chairperson of The Mayor’s Advisory Commission on Caribbean Community Affairs (MACCCA), came to Holy Comforter to give opening remarks. AARP DC State Director Louis Davis Jr., spoke enthusiastically about the Caribbean outreach initiative and about AARP’s mission and work in the District.

This blog was written by Nkoritohowo P. Edem, AARP DC Intern
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