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AARP AARP States Press

AARP Honors Representative Jose Rodriguez’s Leadership

AARP Honors Representative Jose Rodriguez’s Leadership in Protecting Older Texans

from Financial Abuse

  Nine legislators honored for their efforts on behalf of older Texans

EL PASO, TEXAS – AARP Texas is recognizing the work of State Senator Jose Rodriguez by presenting him with a 2013 Legislative Leadership Award at his office today, Tuesday, December 10, at 3:00 p.m.

The award recognizes Senator Rodriguez’s leadership in bolstering protections for older Texans from financial abuse by clarifying powers of attorney. These are essential tools used for delegating authority to someone else to handle your financial decision making but often give dishonest people a license to steal. Power of attorney forms will now be designed to make it easier for consumers to clearly detail the duties and responsibilities being authorized.

“We appreciate the leadership of Senator Rodriguez by sponsoring the power of attorney legislation. These forms, while necessary, too often leave older Texans vulnerable.  Clarifying these forms will help provide much needed protection from theft,” said Bob Jackson, AARP Texas director.

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AARP is also honoring several other legislators for their work on behalf of Texans age 50+, including:

  • Representative Senfronia Thompson (D-Houston) for protecting seniors from financial abuse through power of attorney legislation
  • Senator Robert Duncan (R-Lubbock)  and Representative Bill Callegari (R-Katy) for work to strengthen the retirement systems for teachers and state employees
  • Representative Sylvester Turner (D-Houston)for leadership and dedication to protecting services for seniors
  • Representative John Zerwas (R-Richmond) for leadership in improving services for seniors
  • Representative Tom Craddick (R-Midland) for leadership on payday and auto title lending reform
  • Representative Linda Harper Brown (R-Irving) and Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) for leadership towards providing more transportation options for older Texans

Awards will be presented to legislators at ceremonies in their hometowns. AARP presents these awards every two years, after each state legislative session.

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