AARP Eye Center

The AARP Alabama state office opened in 2001, and since then the volunteers and staff have been working to improve the lives of Alabamians age 50+ and their families through outreach, advocacy, and legislative activities. Those efforts are led by eight full-time staff members and a 10-member volunteer executive council who work with hundreds of dedicated volunteers throughout the state. Those volunteers, along with Alabama’s more 430,000 AARP members, are the backbone of the organization and a driving force in every effort.
Contact AARP Alabama toll-free at 866-542-8167
, e-mail us at or visit us at 400 South Union Street, Suite 100, Montgomery, AL 36104.
To contact a member of the staff directly, click on an e-mail address below.
Candi Williams, state director,
Bill Hawkins, associate state director/advocacy outreach,
Kristen Moyo, associate state director/community outreach and engagement,
Anna Pritchett, associate state director/advocacy,
Jamie Harding, associate state director/communications,
Dorothy Dorton, associate state director/community outreach,
Elise Rhodes, business operations analyst,
(Photo courtesy Flickr Some rights reserved by ChristopherTitzer)