AARP Eye Center

COLUMBUS, Ohio – AARP volunteers are meeting with legislators and working in communities throughout Ohio as a driving force for social change that enhances the lives of 50-plus Ohioans through advocacy, outreach, information and volunteer service.
During this election year we will work to ensure the needs of all 50-plus Ohioans, including the 1.5 million AARP members statewide, are heard by national, state and local candidates and elected leaders.
AARP will seek to strengthen Social Security and Medicare, programs that have protected the middle class and kept millions of older Americans out of poverty for generations. Our work will focus on:
- Strengthening health and financial security
- Supporting family caregivers
- Fighting identity theft, fraud, scams and financial abuse
- Encouraging livable age-friendly communities
- Empowering individuals 50-plus to seek and find personal fulfillment
AARP Ohio will work to enact the Ohio Caregiver Act, which supports patients and family caregivers and advances efforts that allow older Ohioans to live independently at home.
AARP Ohio will seek to prevent harmful reductions in Medicare coverage or increases in costs.
We will advocate for renewal of expanded Medicaid coverage as part of the 2016-2017 biennial state budget, ensuring healthcare assistance to working Ohioans whose incomes are no more than 138% of the Federal Poverty Level, which means individuals can earn no more than $16,242 annually and married couples can earn no more than $21,983 a year.
AARP Ohio will work to protect and strengthen Social Security and prevent harmful cuts in payments. During this election year, we will urge candidates to Take A Stand on how they propose to ensure Social Security’s future solvency and adequacy.
Through the AARP Fraud Watch Network, we will empower Ohioans to protect themselves from identity theft and their financial resources from fraud and scams.
We will advocate for safe and reliable home energy, and structural reforms to prevent unfair increases in home energy rates.
We will encourage state legislators to adopt policies that allow Ohioans to plan for a secure retirement by enabling more workers to save for retirement at work.
The cities of Cleveland and Columbus have joined the AARP Network of Age Friendly Communities and AARP Ohio will work with civic leaders to build a network of safe, walkable streets; age-friendly housing and transportation options; access to needed services; and opportunities for residents of all ages to participate in community activities.
We will continue to urge Congress to pass the pedestrian safety protections in H.R. 2071, the Safe Streets Act.
AARP will connect 50-plus Ohioans in communities across the state with others who share their interests.
We will continue to offer a wide range of social activities, discounts to local events and educational programs. These events range from tours, walks and discounted admission to exhibits and sporting events to free movie screenings.
AARP will open doors to real possibilities for 50-plus Ohioans through empowering, energizing, engaging and expanding our network of volunteers.
AARP will offer Life Reimagined sessions in Columbus and Cincinnati to explore new challenges and opportunities to discover the real possibilities of pursuing your goals and dreams.
- More than 4.2 million Ohioans are age 50 and over, and 35.1% of them are among Ohio’s 1.5 million AARP members. AARP is working for all Ohioans age 50+ and their families, focusing on issues that we face in our daily lives, and making sure your voice is heard.
- An estimated 1,660,000 Ohioans are family caregivers, contributing unpaid care valued at $17.5 billion annually to spouses, parents, aunts, uncles and countless other adult loved ones.
- AARP is working for adoption of the Ohio Caregiver Act, which will see caregivers recognized and get the training, support and relief services they need to allow their loved ones to live independently in their homes for as long as possible, rather than costly institutions.
- Surveys show more than 90% of Ohioans want to live independently in their homes as the age. It is a combination of family caregivers and affordable in-home and community-based services that makes it possible for many to remain at home where they want to be.
- Right now in Ohio, about 60% of Medicaid spending for long-term care services is on nursing homes; 40% of Medicaid long-term care dollars support in-home and community-based services. AARP is working to prevent Ohioans from being forced out of their homes to get the care they need. We will continue to support efforts that shift taxpayer funds that are dedicated into long-term care into home- and community-based services.
- Almost 2 million Ohioans count on Medicare for their health care, and 2,239,797 Ohioans collect Social Security, with 23.2% of those Ohioans relying on Social Security for 90% or more of their income, and 53.2% relying on Social Security for 50% or more of their income. AARP is working to ensure Social Security’s future solvency and adequacy, and to prevent reductions in Medicare coverage or increases in costs.