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AARP California Celebrates 78 Years of Social Security

78 Years of Social Security

Today, 78 years have passed since President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law, creating the foundation of retirement security in America. The program provides 3,839,895 older Californians with an average annual benefit of $14,700. Social Security doesn’t just protect you in retirement; for families in which a parent becomes disabled or dies, the program can ensure financial stability. It is the key to keeping  1,246,000 Californians out of poverty, helping them pay for basic needs like food and shelter.

Yet, remarkably, for all its success, there are still politicians in Washington who want to cut Social Security under the guise of reducing the deficit. AARP's Nancy LeaMond let our members know that we're on their side: "Social Security is a self-financed program, not a piggy bank for deficit reduction. That’s why AARP is fighting to stop Congress and the President from cutting Social Security benefits using the ‘chained CPI,’ a change that would hurt seniors already in retirement as well as veterans, women, children and disabled Americans."

Last week, AARP's Capitol Hill Strike Force volunteers delivered over 1.5 million signatures opposing the chained CPI to Congress. We will continue to work to protect and strengthen the program for you, for your family, and for future generations. We know that the chained CPI is not a more accurate measure of inflation, and that the American people overwhelmingly oppose it. After a lifetime of paying into the program, you've earned a say and   you deserve the facts.

Learn more about Social Security by taking our online quiz, figuring out the best time to claim your benefits, and using our  AARP Social Security Q&A Tool to find answers to your most frequently asked questions about Social Security retirement benefits. And join the fight to help keep Social Security strong by making your voice heard. Write to your Member of Congress and Senators to let them know how important Social Security is to you and your family so we can keep the program strong for current and future generations.

You can also sign up as an  AARP E-Activist and become an AARP California  advocacy volunteer to make a difference on the future of Social Security and other important issues. Be sure to sign up for our  state email, fan us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay informed about our work and how you can get involved.

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