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AARP AARP States Advocacy

ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress Not to Raise the Medicare Eligibility Age


In less than two weeks, Congress and President Obama could push harmful cuts to Medicare into a last-minute end-of-year budget deal.

Many politicians are still pushing to raise the Medicare eligibility age to 67 – shifting thousands of dollars in costs to seniors and making Medicare and private insurance more expensive for everyone.

Washington needs to feel the pressure from folks like you, before it’s too late. We need your help to make sure the President and Congress protect the benefits you’ve earned.

Please take action today and tell Congress and President Obama to keep harmful changes to Medicare out of a last-minute budget deal.

 Washington should be discussing how to strengthen Medicare for today’s seniors and for future generations – not actively pushing to make Medicare more expensive and reducing the benefits you’ve earned.

The changes on the table right now would force current 65 and 66 year-olds to find private insurance. For these folks, their health care expenses could increase over $2,000 per year as a result. And that’s not all. Raising the eligibility age would also increase Medicare premiums for those currently in the program, and even make it more expensive for employers to buy insurance.

President Obama and Congress need to hear from you TODAY. Tell Congress and President Obama: don’t cut the benefits I’ve earned. And don’t raise the Medicare eligibility age in any last-minute budget deal.

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