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April is Financial Literacy Month for Small Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

KRATZ - Small Business - 499999 Photo credit © TommL
Photo credit: istockphoto/©TommL
F. und T. Werner

Money SMART Financial Literacy Series for the Encore Entrepreneur

April 1, 2015 from 12 PM to 1 PM
Banking Services for Small Business

Understanding what banking services are available for a small business is important for every business owner. Understanding how to save yourself money, manage your cash and position yourself to borrow money are critically important. This webinar will give business owners some food for thought on what types of banking products and services they should be using.  Register here to join this online workshop.
April 22, 2015 from 12 PM to 1 PM
Profit Improvement Strategies

Learn how to substantially increase your business profits. Apply practical approaches that have put tens of millions of profit dollars onto the bottom lines of small, medium and large companies around the world. Your profits are driven by three categories: income, expenses and waste. Learn to identify and manage the essential 7 resources that control your profits. Find the profit leaks in your business and plug them.  Register here to join this online workshop.


April 29, 2015 from 12 PM to 1 PM
Record Keeping

Many business owners put off record keeping duties and few have experience tracking financial information. This leads to incomplete and error prone fiscal records. Learn how to keep better records and what this information can tell you about your business. After completing this workshop you will also have a better understanding of key financial terminology.  Register here to join this online workshop.

About AARP States
AARP is active in all 50 states and Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Connect with AARP in your state.