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AARP AARP States Arizona Advocacy

AARP Arizona Ballot Statement on Phoenix GO Bond

Phoenix Capitol

Phoenix is one of the fastest growing cities in the country; therefore, access to housing, transportation, senior centers, libraries, parks, and vital public safety services is critical to keep pace with the needs of our growing community and enhance the quality of life of all our city’s residents.

AARP Arizona advocates to improve safety and security for all residents through measures that offer affordable, stable housing, safe streets, supportive community services, and reliable public safety. These resources enhance personal independence, support residents aging in place, and foster participation in community life. That is why AARP Arizona supports Phoenix GO Bond - to bring us closer to achieving these goals.

The money raised from Phoenix GO Bond will repair and create affordable housing for low- and middle-income children, families, and seniors. It will make Phoenix more energy and water efficient by funding heat resiliency projects and upgrading city facilities. It will make our streets safer to cross for people of all ages. The city bond package will build and preserve senior centers, so older adults can make social connections essential for aging well and preventing the devastating impacts of isolation. It will build a new library, expand existing ones, and provide free Wi-Fi and computers with internet access. Phoenicians will also be safer in their homes and neighborhoods because Phoenix GO Bond will fund new fire houses, renovate police stations, and reduce 911 response times to provide lifesaving services to all residents.

Residents of all ages will benefit from these investments. That is why AARP supports Phoenix GO Bond as an important and timely response to the needs of our rapidly growing city.

Learn more about Phoenix GO Bond:

AARP Arizona Phoenix GO Bond Homepage

AARP Arizona Ballot Statement on Phoenix GO Bond

Question 1: Enhance Community Safety through Fire, Police, Roadway and Pedestrian Infrastructure

Question 2: Improve Quality of Life in Phoenix Neighborhoods

Question 3: Create an Efficient, Modern Phoenix to Live and Work

Question 4: Enhance, Preserve, and Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing and Senior Centers

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