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AARP AARP States Arizona Advocacy

Phoenix GO Bond Question 2: Improve Quality of Life in Phoenix Neighborhoods

Phoenix GO Bond Question 2 seeks voter authorization to issue and sell general obligation (GO) bonds up to $108,615,000 to improve quality of life in Phoenix neighborhoods.

These funds are designated for libraries, parks, and historic preservation projects, which will provide Phoenicians with more accessible spaces to engage and connect with their community. Public libraries provide important opportunities for learning, social interaction, and connection to critical services and resources. Enhancements to existing parks and the addition of new green spaces are imperative to the health and well-being of older adults. The bond’s proposed funding for the construction and renovation of recreational facilities offers opportunities for multi-generational interactions.

Furthermore, the bond's emphasis on improving ADA compliance and increasing the accessibility of public spaces is a significant step towards ensuring that public spaces are safe and accessible for older Phoenicians and those with mobility challenges.

The funds that Phoenix GO Bond Question 2 aims to invest in enhancing recreational and social opportunities are critical to making Phoenix a more livable community for residents of all ages.

Learn more about Phoenix GO Bond:

AARP Arizona Phoenix GO Bond Homepage

AARP Arizona Ballot Statement on Phoenix GO Bond

Question 1: Enhance Community Safety through Fire, Police, Roadway and Pedestrian Infrastructure

Question 2: Improve Quality of Life in Phoenix Neighborhoods

Question 3: Create an Efficient, Modern Phoenix to Live and Work

Question 4: Enhance, Preserve, and Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing and Senior Centers

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