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AARP AARP States Arizona Advocacy

Phoenix GO Bond Question 3: Create an Efficient, Modern Phoenix to Live and Work

Phoenix GO Bond Question 3 seeks voter authorization to issue and sell general obligation (GO) bonds up to $114,385,000 to create an efficient, modern Phoenix to live and work. Question 3 aims to make Phoenix a more livable community for residents of all ages through projects to improve economic development, resource management, and arts and culture.

This bond initiative emphasizes healthcare workforce development, which will be essential to meet the needs of Phoenix’s growing aging population. It also commits to invest in new business and industry development, which will increase job opportunities and foster economic growth. The heat resiliency projects funded by Phoenix GO Bond Question 3 are crucial to protect Phoenix residents from a warming climate and its associated heat-related illnesses. Energy and water efficiency investments are key to ensuring that Phoenix remains livable for future generations. And, the bond’s funding of arts and cultural facility renovations ensures that Phoenicians of all ages have access to opportunities to engage in activities and foster community connection.

The funds that Phoenix GO Bond Question 3 aims to invest in creating a safe and engaging environment will help to ensure the prosperity of Phoenix as a livable community.

Learn more about Phoenix GO Bond:

AARP Arizona Phoenix GO Bond Homepage

AARP Arizona Ballot Statement on Phoenix GO Bond

Question 1: Enhance Community Safety through Fire, Police, Roadway and Pedestrian Infrastructure

Question 2: Improve Quality of Life in Phoenix Neighborhoods

Question 3: Create an Efficient, Modern Phoenix to Live and Work

Question 4: Enhance, Preserve, and Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing and Senior Centers

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