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AARP AARP States Arizona Advocacy

Phoenix GO Bond Question 1: Enhance Community Safety through Fire, Police, Roadway and Pedestrian Infrastructure

Phoenix GO Bond Question 1 seeks voter authorization to issue and sell general obligation (GO) bonds up to $214,000,000 to enhance community safety through fire, police, roadway, and pedestrian infrastructure.

Bond question 1 aims to enhance public safety infrastructure to make services more accessible and efficient – potentially improving outcomes for emergencies such as health crises and safety concerns. It also addresses roadway and pedestrian infrastructure advancements, such as improved lighting, crosswalks, and sidewalks, which are critical to improve street safety, and mitigates the impact of floods and storms through infrastructure improvements. Furthermore, the bond intends to develop and expand transportation options, which will aid older adults and those with mobility concerns in accessing safe and reliable transportation. Lastly, the bond creates dedicated facilities for Phoenicians struggling with mental and behavioral health concerns, including those that are unhoused.

The funds that Phoenix GO Bond Question 1 aims to invest in infrastructure are critical to enhancing the safety and well-being of older Phoenicians.

Learn more about Phoenix GO Bond:

AARP Arizona Phoenix GO Bond Homepage

AARP Arizona Ballot Statement on Phoenix GO Bond

Question 1: Enhance Community Safety through Fire, Police, Roadway and Pedestrian Infrastructure

Question 2: Improve Quality of Life in Phoenix Neighborhoods

Question 3: Create an Efficient, Modern Phoenix to Live and Work

Question 4: Enhance, Preserve, and Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing and Senior Centers

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