Is starting a small business right for you? Do you have an idea to start your own small business? Need basic information on what to do next, understand how much it will cost, and find out where to go for assistance?
Demographic trends indicate a greater number of employees of all ages will assume the role of family caregiver. This trend will no doubt impact employee caregivers ages 18 to 39, as much as those ages 50+. New Hampshire is not immune to this caregiver tsunami. These caregivers will be affected in many ways including physical health, mental well-being and higher health care costs.
Looking for tax help? Book an appointment with an AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Counselor. Now through April 15, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest, volunteer-run, free tax preparation program is still helping New Hampshire taxpayers with their federal tax returns.
The House Commerce Committee is hearing testimony on HB562, a car title loan bill that would cap interest rates at 36%. AARP supports this bill and offers this testimony:
If the measure known as Chained CPI is adopted, $623,470,000 in cuts to New Hampshire’s Social Security COLA and veterans’ benefits would occur over the next ten years.
When Kelly Clark was tapped to take an interim leadership role at AARP’s national office in the fall, we looked to our AARP neighbors to the south and invited Mike Olender of AARP New York to step in to lend a hand. As his experience the last six months was very positive, we thought you’d like to hear directly from him -- what he thinks of New Hampshire and how he and his family fared. Here goes:
New Hampshire is aging and with an increasingly older population come many financial and societal challenges such as long-term care, caregiving, transportation, housing and health care. Many of these issues will guide the state’s legislative agenda for years to come.
Your phone rings and caller ID shows an 876 area code. While it appears the call is coming from the US, be cautious with this Jamaican area code. If you do not have friends, relatives, or business associates in Jamaica, there is probably a scammer on the other end of line.
Does just thinking about selecting the right Medicare prescription drug plan send you into a panic? You’re probably not alone as over 100,000 Granite Staters wander through this process every year during Open Enrollment.