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Jennifer Beam

Have Bay Staters earned their say?
Have Bay Staters earned their say?
Nearly a third of Massachusetts residents report that they or someone they know has experienced age discrimination, a new AARP survey finds.
The old adage “if you need something done, ask a busy person” could not apply to anyone better than Jane Ahern DeFillippi, AARP Massachusetts advocacy volunteer, pictured (in front) with state president Linda Fitzgerald. The semi-retired nurse and Melrose resident is passionate about aging and health issues, and active both in her community and at the State House, all while taking graduate courses, and singing in her church choir.
At the State House: As the Fiscal Year 2013 state budget debate continues, AARP is urging lawmakers to protect services for older residents in need, including the nursing home bed hold, which saves a nursing home resident’s bed during a short-term leave of absence. The status of this important program has been dizzying: during the Fiscal Year 2012 state budget debate, it was cut, restored in a supplemental budget, vetoed by Gov. Deval Patrick, and then reinstated after legislators worked with the Administration to provide $6 million in funding.
At the State House: As the Fiscal Year 2013 state budget debate continues, AARP is urging lawmakers to protect services for older residents in need, including the nursing home bed hold, which saves a nursing home resident’s bed during a short-term leave of absence. The status of this important program has been dizzying: during the Fiscal Year 2012 state budget debate, it was cut, restored in a supplemental budget, vetoed by Gov. Deval Patrick, and then reinstated after legislators worked with the Administration to provide $6 million in funding.
At the State House: As the Fiscal Year 2013 state budget debate continues, AARP is urging lawmakers to protect services for older residents in need, including the nursing home bed hold, which saves a nursing home resident’s bed during a short-term leave of absence. The status of this important program has been dizzying: during the Fiscal Year 2012 state budget debate, it was cut, restored in a supplemental budget, vetoed by Gov. Deval Patrick, and then reinstated after legislators worked with the Administration to provide $6 million in funding.
Governor's proposal would eliminate 240,000 meals
The future of Social Security and Medicare is too important to be decided behind closed doors in Washington. You’ve earned your benefits by paying into Social Security and Medicare for years – and we’re working hard to make your voice heard.
A new proposal by the Patrick Administration, funded through the Affordable Care Act , will coordinate health and long term care services for those aged 21 to 64 who receive both Medicare and MassHealth , the state’s Medicaid program. Newly created “Integrated Care Organizations,” will be responsible for making sure these individuals receive the services that address their full range of needs through one access point. The proposal may take effect as early as this Fall.
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