The Missouri Property Tax Credit provides up to $1,100 annually to homeowners and up to $750 to renters. But those amounts haven’t changed since 2008—despite rising inflation, property taxes and rent.
Patients in Maryland hospitals spent a median time of 247 minutes in the ER before leaving. AARP will work with a coalition of other groups on legislative steps to address the problem.
As the 2025 Minnesota State Legislature gets underway in January, AARP will advocate for a range of measures to improve the lives of those 50 and older.
Please note our critical updated Lobby Day format and scheduling change for February 20. Our statewide grassroots volunteers will be there fighting on real issues that matter to you and your family.
Join us for a free virtual seminar in your area to explore Social Security eligibility requirements, how age, employment and marital status factor in, and helpful tools like the AARP Social Security Resource Center.