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As an educator and life-long student, Jane Barton, MTS, MASM,CSA, Caregiving Ambassador AARP Colorado, believes that knowledge provides the necessary foundation from which to make the best decisions. This is certainly true within the context of the caregiving journey.
Join AARP Colorado for a conference exploring care giving.
As human beings, we experience a variety of losses over the course of a lifetime. When we lose something or someone, we grieve. However, we are not grief savvy. We don’t understand the twists and turns of grief. Our ignorance about the journey does not serve us well. Ill-informed, we have unrealistic expectations. We fail to access needed resources. We fear the unknown. And, we resist re-engaging with life in order to avoid future losses. Although I am well versed in the academic discourse regarding grief, it is my personal experience of loss that informed me the most.
AARP has opened applications for the 2019 AARP Community Challenge grant program to fund “quick-action” projects that spark change across the country. Now in its third year, the program is part of AARP’s nationwide work on Livable Communities. Grants can range from several hundred dollars for small, short-term activities to several thousand dollars for larger projects.
Greetings one and all…
An estimated 750 medical professionals, persons living with Mild Cognitive Impairment and early dementia, unpaid and professional caregivers will gather on Monday, April 29, for the 30th annual Rocky Mountain Conference on Dementia, hosted by the Colorado Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.
Today, let’s chat about those moments when we desperately want to DO something for a family member or a friend…..but we feel powerless to do anything of significance. In those moments we wonder, “What can I do?”
Get Your Questions Answered at AARP’s Free Webinar for Family Caregivers
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