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Blog by CJay Smith, CEC
Blog by CJay Smith, CEC
Blog by CJay Smith, CEC
Blog by CJay Smith, CEC
Blog by CJay Smith, CEC
So I’m leaving one of my favorite neighborhood garden stores, and once again, for about the third year in a row, (no pun intended,) I think about planting a garden. Not a big garden, but something that would yield me some of the summer harvest I so enjoy. I think about my grandmother having a garden and so did my mother. I remember collard and turnip greens, squash, red, yellow and green peppers, and my favorite, cabbage. At Sunday dinner, if we ran out of tomatoes, someone would volunteer to make a trip to the grocery store and my grandmother would say, “No need to do that, just go out back to the garden and pick two or three, and while you are at it, pull up some onions too…”
Blog by CJay Smith, CEC
Blog by CJay Smith, CEC
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