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AARP Submits Comments on PURA’s Proposed Final Decision in Southern Connecticut Gas Company’s Request to Amend Rate

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AARP Connecticut submitted comments to the Connecticut Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) regarding its proposed final decision in the docket (Docket No. 23-11-02) of Southern Connecticut Gas Company’s (SCGC) request to amend its natural gas rate schedules.

AARP appreciates PURA’s acknowledgement of AARP’s concerns in the decision on behalf of its members and the reference of AARP’s opposition to increasing fixed monthly charges. AARP represents the 50-plus population and many of its members are on fixed incomes. Others are low income and struggle to make ends meet, especially in this current inflationary environment.

AARP Connecticut’s specific comments to PURA regarding the proposed final decision were as follows (Click this link to view AARP Connecticut’s submitted comments):

Maintaining Current Customer Charges Allows Customers to Better Manage Bills
AARP supports PURA’s decision directing SCGC “to maintain current fixed monthly charges across all rate classes” on page 186 of the Decision.

Maintaining residential fixed monthly charges at current levels will provide customers with some ability to manage their bills given the rate increase by conserving natural gas.

PURA’s $109 Million Reduction to the Rate Base is Reasonable
AARP supports PURA’s decision to adjust SCGC’s “Rate Year average rate base by ($109,027,591)” as noted on page 10 of the Decision. This reduction will help reduce the increase to customer bills as compared to the SCGC’s proposed rate base.

Additional Training is Appropriate
AARP supports PURA’s direction for SCGC to enhance its customer service and to include “training with all [customer service representatives] to enhance the company’s support provided to customers with financial hardship concerns” on Page 231 of the Decision. This enhanced training should focus on providing struggling customers with complete and accurate information of the available financial support. PURA’s oversight of these directed customer service enhancements should help improve consumer protections for SCGC’s customers.

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