Scammers are continually perfecting their scams, getting more sophisticated, learning new techniques with new technology, and honing their methods to better manipulate their targets. If we really want to keep ourselves - and our money - safe from fraud, we must all come to terms with one thing: our personal information is likely already out there.
Last year the Federal Trade Commission recorded $10 Billion in reported fraud from U.S. consumers. Because fraud is underreported, we know that actual losses are much higher.
The numbers are in and last year was yet another historic year for fraud. The Federal Trade Commission released its annual compendium of fraud reports from 2023, and the news is shocking. For the first time ever reported theft through fraud topped $10 billion. The total is 14% higher than what was reported in 2022 and 5 times greater than reported losses in 2019. Key takeaways from the report include:
AARP Connecticut – advocates for age 50+ Connecticut residents and their families – works with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to support legislation and issues that make our state a great place to live for people of all ages.
Are you looking for ways to get involved in your community? The AARP Connecticut volunteer team has opportunities for everyone. Whether you like to volunteer with others or work more independently, we would love to have you on our team! With AARP, you can volunteer at your own pace, on the projects you are most passionate about. Volunteering with AARP is a way to make a positive impact in Connecticut communities and, like many of our current volunteers, make lifelong friends along the way.
AARP’s mission is to empower people to choose how they live as they age, and an important part of choosing how we live as we age is being able to choose where we live as we age. Most older adults want to remain in their own home and community as they age, but financial barriers and limited service options can make this difficult. We were pleased that the Connecticut legislature passed a state budget and several pieces of legislation that will support older adults who wish to age in place.