Last year the Federal Trade Commission recorded $10 Billion in reported fraud from U.S. consumers. Because fraud is underreported, we know that actual losses are much higher.
AARP Connecticut announced seven organizations throughout the state will receive 2024 Community Challenge grants – part of AARP’s largest investment in communities to date with $3.8 million awarded among 343 organizations nationwide. Grantees will implement quick-action projects that help communities become more livable by improving public places; transportation; housing; digital connections; and more, with an emphasis on the needs of adults ages 50 and older.
AARP’s purpose is to empower people to choose how they live as they age. Many policy changes enacted this legislative session will help Connecticut residents do just that.
AARP Connecticut today announced the addition of Natalie Shurtleff as Associate State Director, Advocacy and Community Outreach. Shurtleff will be responsible for developing and executing state, federal, and local advocacy activities on behalf of the nonprofit, nonpartisan organization’s nearly 600,000 members in Connecticut. She will have a particular focus areas involving livable communities, health care, and long-term services and supports issues.
AARP Connecticut will donate $3,000 on behalf of recipient to an eligible non-profit organization of their choosingNomination deadline is August 1AARP is now accepting nominations for its 2024 Connecticut Andrus Award for Community Service, an annual award honoring a 50+ volunteer in the state who is sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members. The deadline to nominate an outstanding individual for AARP’s most prestigious volunteer award is August 1, 2024.