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Work & Jobs

AARP Connecticut is seeking an Advocacy and Community Outreach Manager located at the state office in Hartford, CT.
AARP Connecticut is seeking a Program Specialist located at the state office in Hartford, CT.
For nine years, AARP Connecticut has been offering AARP member scholarships to enroll in Encore!Connecticut, a nationally-recognized program that assists professionals and managers age 50 and older transition their corporate experience and expertise to full and part-time managerial positions in the Connecticut nonprofit sector. Over 100 Connecticut corporate professionals have successfully moved from corporate to nonprofit careers through Encore!Connecticut.
The manufacturing industry in Connecticut is booming and opening doors to opportunities. AARP Connecticut, as part of a multifaceted intergenerational approach to support the age 50 and older with an interest in continuing their education, has made a donation to The American Manufacturing Hall of Fame for older students enrolled in a Connecticut Community College manufacturing program.
Age discrimination has been illegal in America for 50 years. But thanks to loopholes in the hiring process, many Americans aged 40 and older still experience illegal age discrimination when applying for jobs.
The manufacturing industry is booming in Connecticut and opening doors to opportunities for a new workforce as well as those with experience. The growing demand for skilled workers to meet the needs of the state’s resurgent manufacturing industry – estimated at 25,000 to 35,000 positions in the next two decades – is outpacing supply and has created an increasing need for instructors at colleges and pipeline programs across Connecticut.
We may be physically apart, but AARP continues to provide valuable information and resources in communities across Connecticut through a wide variety of free educational and fun online events, including our weekly Webinar Wednesday series.
Are you looking for a new job or considering a career change? Do you believe your personal brand or virtual presence would benefit from a tune-up or overhaul? Are you feeling like you could use a hand navigating the reality of a changing world? AARP Connecticut is offering a series of free virtual events and programs with information, resources and essentials designed to meet you where you are in your career.
This guest post was written and submitted by Bernie Weiss, President, Seniors Job Bank
Age discrimination has been illegal for more than 50 years, however a 2018 AARP survey of people age 45 and over show problems persist. More than 60% of respondents witnessed or experienced age discrimination in the workplace and nearly 45% of those who applied or interviewed for a job in the previous two years were asked age-related questions such as birth and graduation dates.
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