AARP Eye Center

AARP Connecticut submitted a petition signed by hundreds of members who support the draft decision by Connecticut’s Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA) that rejected United Illuminating Company’s rate increase request.
PURA’s draft denying the rate increase request of nearly 15% over three years came after a lengthy regulatory proceeding and hearing from thousands of AARP members who live in the 17 towns serviced by United Illuminating Company. In addition to a petition in opposition to the increase signed by thousands of ratepayers, in October AARP Connecticut submitted public testimony urging PURA to deny the proposed rate increase by United Illuminating.
If PURA does not finalize their draft opinion, the rate increase would significantly raise the cost of electricity for Connecticut ratepayers, who already pay the highest retail electricity price in the continental United States.
AARP urges PURA to make its draft opinion final when the proceeding concludes.